Editorial & Document Design
In every proposal, design plays a crucial role in communicating expertise, trust, and brand identity. As a Graphic Designer, I collaborate with marketing teams and technical professionals to craft compelling layouts in InDesign, integrating custom graphics from Illustrator. Each piece adheres to firm brand guidelines, ensuring a cohesive and recognizable presence that resonates with clients. Beyond proposals, I also create functional and attractive templates for reports and presentations, delivering organized information that satisfies client and audience needs. These marketing materials are more than documents—they are strategic tools designed to win work and showcase the firm’s commitment to excellence.
Gatlinburg Parks and Recreation Master Plan
In collaboration with the marketing coordinator and project team, this proposal was carefully designed to communicate key project details effectively. While the team developed the content, I took charge of the full layout and design using Adobe InDesign, ensuring a polished and cohesive presentation.
Every page was thoughtfully crafted with attention to typography, hierarchy, visual consistency, and company branding, resulting in a professional and visually engaging document.
Smith County Safe Streets for All
In collaboration with the marketing coordinator and project team, this proposal was carefully designed to communicate key project details effectively. While the team developed the content, I took charge of the full layout and design using Adobe InDesign, ensuring a polished and cohesive presentation.
Every page was thoughtfully crafted with attention to typography, hierarchy, and visual consistency, resulting in a professional and visually engaging document. The color palette was based on Kimley-Horn’s brand standards, while also incorporating the local school colors to create a stronger connection with the client. Additionally, I captured on-site photography in Smith County to enhance the proposal with authentic visuals that reflected the community and project environment.
TDOT Polk County Corridor K
As the marketing graphic designer on this proposal, I collaborated with the marketing coordinator and practice partners to develop a compelling and visually cohesive submission. My contributions included designing a polished cover that set the tone for the proposal and creating a custom organizational chart tailored to the project’s approach.
The org chart was strategically designed with unique graphics that directly referenced key elements of the project methodology, ensuring a seamless connection between team structure and execution strategy. Through thoughtful layout and design, the proposal effectively communicated the firm’s expertise and approach.